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I began my astrological career studying with Debra Silverman who combines Esoteric (soul-centered) Astrology with psychology. Then I dove into traditional, Hellenistic Astrology, studying with Adam Elenbas and Kelly Surtees. I also study Locational Astrology (also called Astrocartography) under Helena Woods. 


what kind of astrology do you practice?


Many aspects of your fixed birth chart shift during your Solar Return, showing the evolution, and trajectory, of your soul year. 

Solar Return charts are a "separate" chart from your birth chart. We essentially compare your birth chart to your chart this year to see where to focus for more spiritual growth. 

For example, you may have had a 4th house themed year last year and a 5th house themed year this year. The 4th house is associated with home, property, family and ancestry. The 5th house is associated with romance, creativity, and pleasure. 

Book a Solar Return Reading to see what specific themes unfold for you this year. 


what happens during my solar return? 


Your Solar Return Ascendant changes each year. Maybe Cancer ruled your Ascendant last year and shifted into Leo the next. 

If you're curious what zodiac sign and planet rules your Ascendant this year - book a reading with me here. 


what's my solar return ascendant?


Your Solar Return, commonly called your birthday, happens annually when the Sun returns to the same position in the sky when you took your first breath. It can unfold within a day or two of your actual birthday. 

In your Solar Return Reading, we consider your natal chart, solar return chart, progressed chart, timing, and profection year. We use highly accurate, predictive astrology to personalize your reading for the year ahead. 


What's a solar return? 


You have a Solar Return annually. The Sun moves through the 12 zodiac signs and completes its cycle in about one year. 


how long does my solar return last?


You don't need to hide under a rock or anticipate messy communication or travel plans. That's an outdated fear-based narrative. 

We encourage you to play Mercury's quick-witted games and use his retrograde to your benefit to interrupt patterns, shift out of outdated cycles or beliefs, and receive divine messages! 

Instead ask yourself, "What should I focus on during the upcoming Mercury Retrograde for my soul's expansion?"

Tap here to download your free guide, or join my Mercury Mysteries course, so you can co-create with the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. 


what should i not do during mercury retrograde?


That depends on what house Mercury Retrograde occurs in your birth chart. If you want to work with the upcoming Mercury Retrograde, according to your unique astrology, download my free Mercury Retrograde Guide


how does mercury retrograde affect me? 


I created a (free) guide with all the Mercury Retrograde dates through 2026. It includes journal prompts and worksheets unique to each upcoming Mercury Retrograde to help you understand how you're being asked to grow based on your unique astrology. 

If you'd like a copy, click here so I can send it your way. 


is it mercury retrograde?